sendPkToRankerX, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of You control the blob creature that can be fed, grown, modified, and used to attack others.
This was a game I made for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme: Mutation). I wanted to experiment with new game development habits and learn more about networking. Less global state
The only server currently available is my own:, and I will most likely keep it up for at least a month after the release. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
For more information on client and server stuff, please refer to the README.
Discord ID: #9563
Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixes to the file related to sudden client disconnectedions. "Slim" versions are compiled version where I tried to remove any DLLs, folders, and other files I do not believe you require to run the program. You are responsible for your download.
Posted in Best Games of January 2022 | Tagged | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


Dying Light 2 is a post-apocalyptic view of the Modern Dark Ages. It's an unforgiving, brutal and bleak reality in which you can be as easily killed by a person as the infected.

Your quick-thinking, extraordinary parkour skills, and devastating combat skills will allow you to survive in this world. Take morally gray decisions, see how they affect the world on multiple levels and shape the destiny of the City.
Posted in Best Games of February 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


ELEX II, the sequel to ELEX is an open world, vintage role-playing game created bythe Piranha Buttes, who are also the creators of Gothic and Risen. ELEX II is a return to Magalan, a post-apocalyptic Science Fantasy World. With massive environments you can explore with your jetpack and be able move around the story in any direction you like.

A new threat emerges from the skies, unleashing dark Elex's dangerous power and threatening all life on Earth, several years after Jax defeats the Hybrid. Jax must go on an adventure to persuade the other factions against the invaders, and to find Dex his sonwho was separated from him.
Explore a vast, unique, and handcrafted world filled with diverse factions, environments, and a science fiction post-apocalyptic universe.

You can:

Explore Magalan's planet with unparalleled freedom using your jetpack. You can even fly all over the world!
Interact with an authentic world full of NPCs and unique NPCs.
Will remember your past actions and respond accordingly
Depending on your behavior, you will either join or leave the group.
You can be killed which will affect the story
Fluid close-range and long-range combat can be facilitated by a greatly improved control system
You will be immersed in a tale where actions have consequences.
Posted in Best Games of March 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX

sendPkToRankerX, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of You control the blob creature that can be fed, grown, modified, and used to attack others.
This was a game I made for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme: Mutation). I wanted to experiment with new game development habits and learn more about networking. Less global state
The only server currently available is my own:, and I will most likely keep it up for at least a month after the release. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
For more information on client and server stuff, please refer to the README.
Discord ID: #9563
Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixes to the file related to sudden client disconnectedions. "Slim" versions are compiled version where I tried to remove any DLLs, folders, and other files I do not believe you require to run the program. You are responsible for your download.
Posted in Best Games of January 2022 | Tagged | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


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The Game
Humans, it's me! It's me, Carlton! Phoebe is Phoebe’s best friend...and coolest arm, if you will allow me to say so.
You might be wondering who Phoebe is. Phoebe is a gifted programmer and inventor who enjoys the finer things of life. She prefers to work smarter than harder. She has one mission. To save enough money to move out of her parents' home.
Here's where you find me! Phoebe made me her best friend and bionic arm to assist her in her pursuits. My talents are not only brilliant and handsome but also funny. I have a clever trick that allows me to take ordinary floppy discs and make them into handy projectionscalled "Floppy Knights". They can be used for almost any task, especially when it comes time to go on the battlefield.
The occasional job we did has become a side-hustle with the support of new friends. But things get more difficult than expected! Phoebe isn't so certain about her "hero" role, but that's just me. Let's talk about the wonderful things you can do during the game.
Deck-Building meets Turn-Based Techniques
Two familiar themes are given a fresh twist! To create your deck, mix and match cards. When you are ready, guide your Knights across the turn-based battlefield to win.
A vibrant world full of retro technology and magic.
You will find a magical land in which cassette tapes, alchemy and magic co-exist. Marlowe Dobbe's hand-drawn illustrations of Knights and Enemies (Dicey Dungeons) bring out the best in them.
Reach Squad Goals
Prepare for sassy succulents and gutsy goblins! You will find a wide range of Floppy Knights at your disposal, all ready for you to get into battle.
It's easy to grab, but difficult to set down
The best parts of deck-building, tactics, and games were taken from these two areas, then condensed them into an easy-to-understand, quick-to-learn format.
Posted in Best Games of May 2022 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


Month One EditionMonth 1 Edition Purchase Bonuses
Set of five figures for your virtual arcade.
Figures included:
* PACMAN D (Silver).
* PACMAN D (Gold).
* PACMAN E (Silver).
* IZIKE (Silver)
* PAC-MOM (Silver)
*Bonuse items are redeemable after the 25th day of June in 2022.
*Bonus products may be available after launch.
After downloading your bonus items, you can decorate your arcade by clicking Menu > Customize.
The GamePAC-MAN+ contains 14 titles from the legendaryPACMAN series.
You can play a wide range of classic and nostalgia PAC-MAN Games in many different genres.
* PAC Motos
* PAC-MAN 256
* 14 legendary PACMAN titles included
All 14 classic titles, including PACMAN and PACLAND as well as the new additions PACIN-TIME (and PACMAN 256), are available to play. This collection includes everything you need to enjoy the side-scrolling puzzle action of PAC-MAN or the classic PAC-MAN.
* Have fun with family and friends
You can play 5 games with your family and friends in the local multiplayer mode. You can even play with two people at once, so everybody gets to have PAC-MAN!
* Create your arcade to suit you
You can collect items each time you play and create your own arcade using them.
Posted in Best Games of May 2022 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


Marvel's Midnight Suns: A new tactical RPG that takes place in the dark side of Marvel Universe. It puts you up against the demonic forces and underworld. You will be able to team with the Midnight Suns (Earth's last line-of defense) as well as live among them.

Through dark magic and science, Hydra has resurrected Lilith, the Mother of Demons after centuries of sleeping. As a fulfillment of an old prophecy, Lilith will do anything to bring Chthon back. The Avengers are at the edge of collapseand desperately seek help from the Midnight Suns, Blade Magik, Blade, Magik, and Ghost Rider, who were young supernatural-rooted heroes created to stop the prophecy Lilith is trying to fulfil. They resurrect an old warrior together - The Hunter, Lilith’s abandoned child and the only known hero to ever defeat her. Faced with fallen allies, and with the fate of the entire world on the line, you will have to stand up against the darkness.

The famous studio that transformed strategy and tactics gaming forever has a brand new title. It features cinematic tactical combat, friendships with heroes and an incredible adventure that explores the dark side of Marvel.
Posted in Best Games of December 2022 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


The sky is your oyster with LEGO(r), Star Wars(tm). You can play through the entire Star Wars(tm), saga film series in this brand new LEGO video game. Enjoy fun adventures and whimsical humor as you immerse your self within Star Wars' universe.

Explore the galaxy in your own way with LEGO Video Games. You'll be flying to the most iconic locations of the universe of Star Wars(tm) for the first time. Star Wars(tm), The Phantom Menace is a great place to start. It allows you to podrace on Tatooine. You can also launch into Rey’s adventures in Star Wars (tm): The Rise of Skywalker. You can seamlessly travel anywhere on any planet in any order you choose.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga takes you to another galaxy.
Posted in Best Games of April 2022 | Tagged , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


Previews "Looks just like the game that I said I wanted!"
Mike Fahey, Kotaku
It truly looks amazing.
Chris Capel, Gamrevolution
Conan Chop Chop, which is a combination of Conan and Cyanide, and brimming with happiness in its visuals proves that dreams are possible.
Darren Bonthuys, Critical Hit
The GameThe Evil wizard Thoth Amon devised a scheme to resurrect the old evil known as Xaltotun. He will enslave the entire world if he succeeds. You are the only one who can stop him. However, you will need all of your skill and cunning to accomplish this. Use all your skill and guile. All your strength and skill must be used. Chop Chop is what you must do!
Conan Chop Chop Conan Chop Chop ultimate stick figure game in Conan the Barbarian's world, will feature a lot of blood and fly arms. This can lead to outbursts or profanities depending on the end of your sword.
You can be Conan or anyone else. What if you have no brain and all your brawn? No worries! You can choose from a variety of warrior gods and then add items and weapons to fit your personal style.
You are on a quest for epicness and will save the world. You will still be charged by merchants for your wares. Some townspeople may also pester you with their tasks. Be assured that some people will be more than willing to pay you for your efforts.
You can explore in all directions! Explore the Darkwood dark woods, the shifting sands and the searing Hyperboria. Finally, see Vanaheim's icy landscape! Conan Chop Chop allows you to explore the right, left, up, and down. You may find yourself jumping, running, or even moving in a diagonally-oriented fashion, which can give you the ultimate 3-D experience.
You can loot, loot, and even more loot. Learn how to delicately smash your enemies heads with a broom, and turn them into chop suey using a bastard blade. Conan Chop Chop has a variety of weapons, trinkets, and legendary items that can be used to create any type of violent playstyle.
Amazing combos are possible! To crack skulls around you, perform the 360deg spin attack. You can accelerate at the pace of lightning. You will be able to swing your sword sideways or longways, and you'll find yourself gasping for air while trying to understand the sheer awesomeness of your combat moves.
Bosses who are ruthless! You must first defeat The Giant Sand Worm Of Koth and The Frost Giant from Vanaheim before you can face Thoth-Amon. Neither of these bosses are very sympathetic to your cause. They will instead attempt to kill you using deadly moves such as Tail Whip, Lava Reflux and Loogie Glob.
Infinite replayability! Every game is unique because there are tons of different maps to choose from and tons and tons and tons and tonsand tons and lots of abilities and weapons that you can try. While you will likely die multiple times, unlocking new weapons can help you get through your next game.
Posted in Best Games of March 2022 | Tagged , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX


Kunio is the beloved, hot-blooded rebel who returns to wreck havoc on The Three Kingdoms.
Through 6 chapters, the story includes everything from the Yellow Turban Rebellion through the Battle of Red Cliffs.
It's a wonderful opportunity to get the fundamentals of this Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Kunio will lead a new Three Kingdoms adventure!

You can dominate the battlefield with #simple controls! Flashy moves can take down your enemies!
You can unleash powerful special attacks by pressing a button
You can save SP and wipe out a group of enemy with an ultimate attack.

#Master the variety of tactics the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is renowned for.
You think about the different military tactics that were used during the Three Kingdoms Period.
Learn the 10 tactics to defeat the enemy and generate useful items.
Get out of trouble!

As you move through this story, #Power Up Your Character!
To level up, take down your enemies! Gain an edge in battle
You can power up your character by doing so! You can get items from enemies.
You can create powerful bonus effects with the right technology.
Posted in Best Games of July 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on sendPkToRankerX